Pharmacy Leaders Who Support Women Pharmacist Day!

Pharmacy Leader 1

“As an advocate on behalf of female leaders across all of health care, MJH Life Sciences® is very excited to be a part of #WomenPharmacistDay. It is incredibly encouraging to see the progress made over the past few decades as more women become doctors of pharmacy.

I am proud that MJH Life Sciences® plays an important role in this process by raising awareness and providing education and opportunities. Our portfolio includes Pharmacy Times®, an industry-leading multimedia pharmacy network of community, health system, oncology and specialty pharmacy platforms. Through this reach, we highlight the important role of women in pharmacy while imparting practical clinical and professional information that pharmacists can use when counseling patients and interacting with other health care professionals. Our reach and support extended beyond these multimedia platforms with the addition of Pharmacist Moms Group in 2021. This amazing group and its network of moms also complement the education we provide through PTCE, a leader in continuing education for pharmacists.MJH Life Sciences® is honored to be involved in pharmacy and #WomenPharmacistDay on October 12. Thank you for all the amazing work you do to improve patient care worldwide.”

Mike Hennessy Jr.

President and CEO, MJH Life Sciences®
Pharmacy Leader 2

On behalf of ACCP, I enthusiastically support #WomenPharmacistDay and the many women contributing to medication optimization for patients each and every day. The vital contributions of women pharmacists in practice, research, and education have extended the frontiers of clinical pharmacy and paved the way for the next generation of our discipline. ACCP strives to create an inclusive environment for all and is proud to have women serving in leadership roles throughout our organization including as President for 7 of the past 10 years. I am in awe of the accomplishments of so many women in pharmacy and I look forward to celebrating with them on #WomenPharmacistDay.

Amie Brooks, PharmD, FCCP, BCACP

Director of Strategic Initiatives, American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Pharmacy Leader 3

The National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) is excited to participate in #WomenPharmacistDay! NASPA promotes leadership, sharing, learning, and policy exchange among its members and pharmacy leaders nationwide. Currently, 60% of the states are represented by women executive directors and volunteer leaders. We are proud to celebrate and support all women in our profession and the positive impact they have in their practice, in their organizations, and in their communities. #StrongerTogether

Allie Jo Shipman, PharmD., MBA

Senior Director, Policy & Professional Affairs, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations
Pharmacy Leader 4

“Women's Pharmacist Day celebrates the more than 55% of pharmacists in the US that are women - and in the state of Iowa, over 64%. The Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) celebrates ALL women pharmacists and intentionally creates a professional home.

• We celebrate the women pharmacists who were trailblazers, paving the way before us.

• We celebrate the women pharmacists in leadership roles - both in their home and communities as well as at their practices and professional organizations.

• We celebrate the women pharmacists who work part time, but are part of our profession full time.

I'm thankful for this day to celebrate with you. Beyond this special day, let's continue to celebrate - and support - one another. As women pharmacists, we are part of a profession that provides us the opportunity to take care of patients and support one another.”

Kate Gainer, PharmD.

Executive Vice President, CEO, Iowa Pharmacy Association
Pharmacy Leader 5

As the first female CEO of the American Pharmacists Association and on behalf of our President Theresa Tolle, and our entire organization, I am deeply proud to join in the recognition of #womenpharmacistday, and the incredible work being done by women in this profession. Every day, from coast-to-coast, women pharmacists do the extraordinary, and the numbers bear that out. Roughly 60% of practicing pharmacists and more than 60% of pharmacy school graduates are women. Undoubtedly, women provide the backbone of what is one of the oldest professions in history.

Right here at APhA, women not only make up the majority of leadership roles, but for the first time in our more than 170-year history, the CEO, President, Past President, and President-elect are women. Our profession is overflowing with amazing female role models for new and emerging pharmacist and student pharmacist leaders. APhA headquarters specifically recognizes women leaders on a daily basis in our Women in Pharmacy Conference Room—come visit us and see for yourself. The work women are performing using their knowledge, skills, and experience to make a difference in patient care is awe-inspiring, and I am pleased to celebrate #womenpharmacist day with all the amazing women pharmacists in our profession.

Ilisa BG Bernstein, PharmD., JD, FAPhA (right)

Interim Executive Vice President and CEO, American Pharmacists Association

Theresa Tolle, BPharm, FAPhA (left)

President, American Pharmacists Association

Owner, Bay Street Pharmacy
Pharmacy Leader 6

“I created my social media brand, Happy Pharm Life, in my last year of pharmacy school. I was searching for pharmacist videos on YouTube and realized that pharmacy content was lacking in this space, especially for women in pharmacy. So I began creating the type of content I wanted to see as a young woman in pharmacy. I shared many aspects of my pharmacy journey as well as tips, advice, and educational information that would help other women. As my YouTube channel grew, it came to be a tool for other women who were looking to pursue a career in pharmacy. I wanted to create a community where women could discuss the challenges and issues within pharmacy, but also celebrate their successes. Through my various platforms, I have been able to highlight the amazing things that women in pharmacy have done for the profession and for other women. My goal for my content is to inspire other women in pharmacy to pursue their dream pharmacy career. I hope that as Happy Pharm Life continues to grow, so will the number of women in pharmacy who have decided to go for what they really want out of life and their career.”

Sierra Richard, PharmD.

Founder, Happy Pharm Life, LLC
Pharmacy Leader 7

“As Vice President, Chief Pharmacy Officer of Northwell Health I am proud to recognize and support the National Women Pharmacist Day held in October. Whether its #WomenPharmacistDay or any particular day of the year, women have continued to pave the way for a work, family balance as well as hold many leadership positions in pharmacy and throughout healthcare. We celebrate those who have challenged the status quo with innovation. We support those who continue great work outside the workplace in the home and communities. We are grateful for the various types of pharmacy work in areas of critical care medicine, pediatrics, oncology, informatics and revenue cycle to name a few. This extensive work has allowed pharmacists a broader range of learning and opportunity for advancement. The flexibility in work schedules and expanded job opportunities is what is exciting and creating the future leaders of pharmacy.“

Lisa M. Mulloy, RPh, MBA

Vice President, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Northwell Health
Pharmacy Leader 8

On behalf of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Women Faculty Special Interest Group (SIG), I am delighted to support #WomenPharmacistDay. The mission of the Women Faculty SIG is to identify issues of importance to women faculty and assist AACP in responding to them. We have over 80 volunteers spread across five committees and three task forces that are dedicated to advancing women in pharmacy by providing mentorship and networking opportunities; promoting connection/collaboration, wellness, and inclusion; designing programming to advance women pharmacists; and advocating for female faculty through policy change. We believe in women and support women pharmacists in becoming leaders in academia, pharmacy practice, and professional organizations. We are thrilled to celebrate women pharmacists on this important day!

Susan Smith, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

Chair, Special Interest Group Women Faculty, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Leader 9

On behalf of the RxOwnership team and Our Women in Rx program, we are honored to celebrate the achievements of women pharmacists everywhere. We are proud of the sacrifices women in pharmacy make every day to ensure the health and wellness of their patients and community Here at RxOwnership, we coach women daily on how to prepare for a career in independent pharmacy ownership. We provide tools and resources needed to help them every step of the way. We are encouraged to see the increase in the number of women who are now successful pharmacy owners.

Through our Women in Rx program, we have created a platform for women to connect through different virtual and live events. We also spotlight one woman in pharmacy quarterly on the homepage of our website Our program focuses on four important pillars including leadership, mentorship, ownership, and work / life balance.

Over the past several years of interviewing women in pharmacy, it never ceases to amaze me how remarkable each of these ladies’ stories really are! Many of these strong women have paved the way and learned so much through their own journeys. They are eager to share their stories with other women in hopes that others can learn through not only their successes but also their trials and tribulations along the way. The inspiration that comes from hearing these stories is nothing short of incredible!

Today for #WomenPharmacistDay we honor all the incredible women in the industry who sacrifice so much to make a difference!

Tammy McDonald

Regional Vice President, RxOwnership
Pharmacy Leader 10

ASCP is excited to participate in the inaugural #WomenPharmacistDay! Our mission is to empower pharmacists to promote healthy aging through the appropriate use of medications. We hope to continue recognizing and empowering female senior care pharmacists through ASCP's new Women's Leadership Group.

Chad Worz, PharmD, BCGP

CEO, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
Pharmacy Leader 11

As the founder of the Minority Women Pharmacists Association, I'm a continuous supporter of #WomenPharmacistDay. This day is important to me because it exemplifies our mission of promoting the presence of women pharmacists in healthcare. As a community of women pharmacists of color, it's important that women are recognized in this industry especially since we make up over half of the pharmacist workforce. It's also essential for the different areas of pharmacy to be highlighted as we've done in the past with our Journeys in Pharmacy event.

There's no better way to support women pharmacists than by providing resources to those coming behind us. When women are given economic empowerment, the results are felt for generations.

Renee S. Lewis Pharm.D CPh

Founder, Minority Women Pharmacists Association, Inc.
Pharmacy Leader 12

“On behalf of NCPA, I am happy to support #WomenPharmacistDay and celebrate the many women taking care of communities across the country. We have seen the tremendous accomplishments made during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am continuously in awe of my colleagues accomplishments. NCPA looks forward to continuing to support future generations of community pharmacists as they assume leadership roles, continue driving change in health care, and through it all, provide quality care for those in their communities.”

Bri Morris, PharmD.

Senior Director, Program Development, National Community Pharmacists Association
Pharmacy Leader 13

“ASHP is extremely pleased to support the inaugural #WomenPharmacistDay. ASHP is committed to supporting women in achieving pharmacy leadership roles at every level and in every practice setting. ASHP's direction, growth, and success have always been strongly influenced by women in pharmacy beginning with our first CEO Dr. Gloria Niemeyer Francke. Dr. Francke was a pioneer in hospital pharmacy whose contributions to ASHP and the advancement of our profession are invaluable. The efforts of many women leaders over the years in our hospitals and health systems are what make pharmacy the patient-care focused profession that it is today. ASHP has many resources such as the ASHP Women in Pharmacy Leadership Connect community, interview series, and resource center designed to address the needs of the pharmacy workforce and opportunities for leadership. This is an ongoing priority at ASHP and we are so thrilled to participate in the recognition of the significant impact women in pharmacy make on the bright future of our profession.”

Paul W. Abramowitz, Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon), FASHP

Pharmacy Leader 14

The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) is proud to support #WomenPharmacistDay to recognize the vital contributions women have made to the pharmacy profession. Advancements in the practice of pharmacy have been made possible through the work of dedicated women not only in pharmacy practice, but also through all of the roles supporting pharmacy practice such as education, advocacy, national and state pharmacy association participation, and mentorship. As an organization that primarily supports pharmacy technicians, NHA recognizes the value that women pharmacists bring to the profession as role models and mentors to their support staff, particularly to women pharmacy technicians, to encourage the continual advancement of their knowledge and give them the confidence to pursue more advanced roles, degrees, and positions of influence such as those with boards of pharmacy or other pharmacy support associations. NHA will continue to support and recognize all women in the pharmacy profession who regularly go above and beyond to provide the highest quality of patient care and safety, at every level pharmacy practice, to further enhance the quality of life for all within the communities they serve. NHA is proud to celebrate #WomenPharmacistDay to further highlight the critical importance and value women bring to the profession every day!

Jeremy Sasser

Pharmacy Content Strategist, National Healthcareer Association
Pharmacy Leader 15

“At the National Community Pharmacists Association we're pleased to support the first #WomenPharmacistDay, particularly this month as we honored NCPA's first female officer and president - Sharlea Leatherwood, RPh, of Kansas City, Mo. - with a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award. Sharlea passed away on Monday, October 1. She was a trailblazer for women community pharmacists, and a genuine role model for us all. We celebrate Sharlea's accomplishments and those of so many other women pharmacists and, on #WomenPharmacistDay and beyond, we look forward to continuing to support future generations of community pharmacists as they assume leadership roles, continue driving change in health care, and through it all, provide quality care for those in their communities.”

- National Community Pharmacist Association CEO B. Douglas Hoey, Pharmacist, MBA and NCPA Immediate Past President DeAnn Mullins, Pharmacist, CDE, owner of Mullins Pharmacy, WeCare Wellness and the WeCare Diabetes Education Program in Lynn Haven, Fla.
Pharmacy Leader 16

The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake University proudly supports National Women Pharmacist Day, held on October 12. Pharmacy is becoming one of the top career choices for women, and the statistics prove it. From 1983 to 2012, the presence of women in the field has doubled, rising to 54% from 27%. This year, an impressive 65% of PharmD students at Drake University identify as female. Drake University is also home to the Nu Chapter of Lambda Kappa Sigma, the nation's oldest professional fraternity which focuses specifically on women in pharmacy. The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is proud to support our Lambda Kappa Sigma chapter and their efforts in promoting the advancement of women in the profession. To name a few of the countless female leaders who are products of Drake's Pharmacy programs:

• Maxine Beatty- Recipient of the Prestigious 2002 Weaver Medal of Honor

• Melissa Corrigan- First director of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

• Susan Lutz- Previous IPA President, Pharmacy co-owner, NABP item writer

• Patty Kumbera- Co-founder of Outcomes and current Chief Operating Officer of Prescribe Wellness

• Crystal Lennartz- Vice President of Pharmacy for McKesson

• Kristin Williams- Chief Health Officer for Hy-Vee

These are just a few examples of the women who strive to balance their lives while making a positive impact in their communities each and every day.

Renae Chesnut, EdD

Dean and Professor, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Drake University
Pharmacy Leader 17

As Grand President of Lambda Kappa Sigma, I am excited to support and celebrate Women Pharmacist Day on October 12, 2022. Lambda Kappa Sigma was founded in 1913 at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy by librarian Ethel J. Heath and eight other female students. Lambda Kappa Sigma is the nations' oldest professional pharmacy fraternity focused on women in pharmacy.

In a profession where pharmacy was predominately a male profession, it has now turned to the majority of women graduating and practicing in this industry. This is exciting and we want to continue to see that women are well represented not only at entry level positions, but also at the C-Suite level of organizations and corporations.

Women Pharmacist continue to not only make significant impact in our communities and patient’s lives but are also trailblazers in our profession. As we celebrate this day, I empower each woman pharmacist, to continue to thrive in your profession as well as to give back, by pulling other pharmacy students, pharmacy interns, or fellow pharmacists along the way.

Lu Shawna Lawson, PharmD., MPA

Grand President, Lambda Kappa Sigma
Pharmacy Leader 18

At the UW–Madison School of Pharmacy, we have a proud history of championing women pharmacists and advocating for the advancement of women pharmacists. In fact, women have been faculty at the School of Pharmacy since 1913 and more than 60% of our incoming class of PharmD students are female.

Our graduates are shaping the pharmacy profession, such as Sue Sutter, past president of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and Pam Ploetz, former chairman of the Wisconsin State Pharmacy Examining Board. The School of Pharmacy has developed emerging leaders such as alumnus Kate Hartkopf, who is innovating ambulatory care at UW Health, and Kari Trapskin, who is driving new health care quality initiatives at the Wisconsin Pharmacy Quality Collaborative.

Women pharmacists will continue to advance the pharmacy profession and make important strides in patient care. Whether it’s #WomenPharmacistDay or any given day, women have always been invaluable health care leaders that the world needs. I’m proud to celebrate the work of women pharmacists and the difference they make every day.

Steven M. Swanson, PhD

Professor and Dean, University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy